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Natural Resource Workshops

We offer hands-on outdoor field workshops on aquatic ecology, soil health, forestry, and wildlife biology for Middle and Highschool students. Historically these workshops prepared students for the State Envirothon Competition, however, they are open to any school regardless of  Envirothon participation. Topics align well with FFA and Biology courses and showcase a variety of natural resource careers. 

Have a large class? Request a personalized workshop or classroom presentation for just your school. Contact:

Participants survey aquatic life, test water quality, and learn about stream morphology and water management.

My Hip Event, MM/DD/YY

Describe your event here and generate buzz. Where's it happening, and when does it start?


Aquatic Ecology


Students apply the fundamentals of soil science to practice soil surveying and observe land management practices that increase soil health.


Soil Health


Students learn tree survey techniques and species ID from professional foresters and apply knowledge toward forest management.





While we cannot provide interactions with wild animals, we try to get the next best thing by inviting Wildlife Biologist to share their experience and lead hands-on activities.


Wildlife Biology

About Envirothon

Envirothon is a national knowledge-based competition centered around environmental science and natural resource management. Teams work together to complete field assessments and practice critical thinking skills to solve environmental problems. For the past several years, RGWCEI has provided training and support to multiple San Luis Valley schools for the Colorado State Competition in April.  While Envirothon events were canceled in 2020, we hope to resume workshops and develop a local competition in 2021-2022. Contact if you are interested in forming a school team. A team consists of 5 high school students and a school sponsor. 

State Competition


National Website

Congratulations to the Centennial (San Luis) team for placeing 2nd at the 2019 State Competition!

RGWCEI Contact:


Phone:     719.315.1214


Address: 101 S Craft Drive

                  Alamosa, CO 81101


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Anti-Discrimination Policy

RGWCEI prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, gender, color, national origin, age, disability, & where applicable, sex, family status, marital status, religion, genetic information, political beliefs, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program.


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