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Pollinators Presentation

Virtual Field Trips

Helpful Habitats


  1. What are some different types of habitats?

  2. What are some insects that benefit farmers and how do they help?

  3. What are some insects that can be devastating to farmers and how are they harmful?

  4. Name some important pollinator habitats.

  5. Describe a pollinator’s job and why it is so important.

Honey Bee Field Trip

  1. What does it mean for a honey bee hive to split?

  2. Would there be any food without pollinators?

  3. How many bees can occupy one hive at a time?

  4. What can bees make from pollen?

  5. What is the lifecycle of a bee/what different jobs can a bee have?

  6. What are the two primary food sources for honeybees?

  7. What is a swarm/why does it happen?

Wild Pollinators

  1. What are some of the main differences between the vegetation that grows in the valley versus high altitudes?

  2. What are some important aspects of pollinator habitats?

  3. What type of bee hibernates during the winter?

  4. Name the two most important alpine pollinators mentioned in this video.

  5. What kind of climate do alpine bumblebees prefer/where do they live?

Activities and Educator Guide

Provided by the National Association of Conservation Districts

RGWCEI Contact:


Phone:     719.315.1214


Address: 101 S Craft Drive

                  Alamosa, CO 81101


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RGWCEI prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, gender, color, national origin, age, disability, & where applicable, sex, family status, marital status, religion, genetic information, political beliefs, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program.


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